It’s been a while since my last trip for sea fishing last year. My plan is to go in this March 13 either Taganak or Kretam for my first sea fishing for this year. When I looked the calendar it would be another 2 weeks to go and suddenly I got an idea. I phoned Rodney to organize a warming up trip near Pulau Bai and Pulau Berhala. Now I got the chance to bring my sister together for sea fishing trip – her first debut and she enjoys the fishing trip.
I brought my 28g jigs and a madai jig for this trip. When we arrived near Pulau Berhala, I set up my jig and started jigging for about half an hour but no fish were hooked. I bottom fish and I hook up an ‘Otek’ @ ikan duri @ a catfish family. It was fun as I was using a light tackle (I haven’t hooked this fish for a couple of year hahaha). The fish was immediately released back to its habitat. We moved from this location because we were ‘attacked’ by this species.
Next, we stopped at the second point, I use the Madai jig, and to my surprise a croaker took the jig. I got 2 croakers using this jig and I thought only grouper will be hook up in this place. Ah Lung next to me hooked up a GT using bait, immediately I changed to the 28g jig, unfortunately I got nothing. Throughout our fishing trip we moved to several fishing spots. As for my sister, she caught lots of croakers, groupers and also bebolos @ whiting. She said that she wanted to target for fish bigger fish next time.
For a price RM23 per person, it can be considered as cheap for a priceless experience for me and my sister and I would recommend to anybody who wanted to try fishing as a hobby for the first time to go to Pulau Berhala and Pulau Bai. Thanks to Rodney for organizing such a joyful trip.