Today as usual, went to fly with Rodney and Jason. This time I've made a new and improve fly to defeat the snakehead there. In previous visit I got a lot of strike but no solid hook up. I've hook up 3 snakeheads which makes me proud of my own tied fly. 2 snakeheads were ' realesed' and another one I took home for my aquarium. Rodney landed the biggest snakehead of the day using seahawk froggy. I went home with a satisfied feeling until I realised that I owe Rodney Rm 15 hehe for the froggy I asked him to buy from SS Kota Marine.
This is the Killer fly - Deer hair body, 4 strands of rubber legs from a spinner bait, yellow hackle and a CIRCLE HOOK which ensure a solid hook up.

My first haruan on that day

Second haruan

Third haruan

Rodney with the biggest haruan - he gave it to me to take home

Seahawk froggy

Both haruans are in my aquarium right now

"In the making of this blog content, there are no snakeheads were eaten or killed"